Friday, April 30, 2010

New feelings, New goals, New me. CLOTHES! ^^;;

I had a good look at myself in the mirror today when I was home alone. I have fat everywhere. I recently stopped doing this diet stuff, because I thought I was just going to hurt myself. I was wrong. I need this more than ever.

It's very hard for me because, I have a fond liking to food.. But, I don't like what it does to me. Tomorrow, my family and I are going out. I've asked for a mountain dew ahead of time. I'm thinking about having that and picking up a healthy choice meal to eat for dinner.

I'm saving up my money. I have fifty dollars saved at the moment. I'm saving it to buy myself a really nice outfit that won't fit me... yet. It will give me inspiration; those clothes hanging up on my wall. I deleted my WhyEat account recently.. I probably shouldn't have. This is what I'm planning on getting..

Something similar to this BFMV Shirt (my latest obsession.) At least two sizes smaller;

Some classic Black Skinny Jeans;

And something like these shoes...
Now, I don't HAVE to get the exact same thing, but this is a pretty summed up idea of what I want. Converse and Skinny Jeans DON'T look got on fat people to me. -.-

If you read my blog; awesome. If you don't; it's alright. :3

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thinspiration; :3